subOn = false; timer = null; function dhMenus(selfName) { c = this; = selfName; c.arrMenus = new Array(); c.arrParents = new Array(); return this; } function hideElement(id) { objVisibility = document.getElementById(id).style.visibility; if (objVisibility == "visible") { document.getElementById(id).style.visibility = "hidden"; } } function showElement(id) { objVisibility = document.getElementById(id).style.visibility; if(objVisibility == "hidden") { document.getElementById(id).style.visibility = "visible"; } } function showSubMenus(id) { setOnVar(); if(c.arrMenus[id] != null) { for(i = 0; i < c.arrMenus[id].length; i++) { showElement(c.arrMenus[id][i]); } } hideOtherSubs(id); r_on(id + "_img"); featureImg(c.arrMenus[id][c.arrMenus[id].length - 2] + "_img", id + "_img_feature"); } function hideSubMenus(id) { setOffVar(); clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout("if(!subOn){hideSubs('" + id + "')}", c.timeOut); } function hideSubs(id) { for(i = 0; i < c.arrMenus[id].length; i++) { hideElement(c.arrMenus[id][i]); } r_off(id + "_img"); } function hideOtherSubs(id) { for(j = 0; j < c.arrParents.length; j++) { if(id != c.arrParents[j]) { hideSubs(c.arrParents[j]); } } } function highlightSubs(id, parent) { setOnVar(); r_on(id + "_img"); featureImg(c.arrMenus[parent][c.arrMenus[parent].length - 2] + "_img", id + "_img_feature"); } function setOnVar() { subOn = true; } function setOffVar() { subOn = false; } function r_on(whichimage) { try { if(eval(whichimage + "_on") != null) { document.images[whichimage].src = eval(whichimage + "_on.src"); } } catch (e) { } finally { } } function r_off(whichimage) { try { if(eval(whichimage + "_on") != null ) { document.images[whichimage].src = eval(whichimage + "_off.src"); } } catch (e) { } finally { } } function featureImg(whichimage, src) { try { if(eval(src) != null) { document.images[whichimage].src = eval(src + ".src"); } } catch (e) { } finally { } } function mouseOver(id, parent) { if(parent == "") { mouseOverString = "showSubMenus('" + id + "');"; } else { mouseOverString = "highlightSubs('" + id + "', '" + parent + "');"; } return mouseOverString } function mouseOut(id, parent) { if(parent == "") { mouseOutString = "hideSubMenus('" + id + "');"; } else { mouseOutString = "hideSubMenus('" + parent + "');r_off('" + id + "_img');"; } return mouseOutString } dhMenus.prototype.createBackground = function(id, parent, image_top, image_middle, image_bottom, divWidth, divHeight) { eval(id + "_status = ''"); c.addToArray(id, parent); d = c.createBgDiv(id, parent, image_top, image_middle, image_bottom, (0 + dhMenu.fromLeft)+"px", (dhMenu.fromTop+60)+"px", divWidth, divHeight); } dhMenus.prototype.createBgDiv = function(id, parent, image_top, image_middle, image_bottom, left, top, divWidth, divHeight) { visi = "visible"; visi = "hidden"; divElem = document.createElement("div"); = id; = "absolute"; = left; = top; = divWidth; = divHeight; = 100; = visi; = "alpha(opacity=" + (c.opacity*100) + ")"; // IE = c.opacity; // Mozilla = c.opacity; // Firefox bgMiddleHeight = (divHeight.replace("px", "") - 6 - 6) + "px"; styleTop = "width: 231px; height: 6px; background-image: url(" + c.imageRoot + image_top + "); background-repeat: no-repeat;"; styleMiddle = "width: 231px; height: " + bgMiddleHeight + "; background-image: url(" + c.imageRoot + image_middle + "); background-repeat: repeat-y;"; styleBottom = "width: 231px; height: 6px; background-image: url(" + c.imageRoot + image_bottom + "); background-repeat: no-repeat;"; innerHTML = "
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